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In terms of Caldari design philosophy, the Phoenix is a chip off the old block. With a heavily tweaked missile interface, targeting arrays of surpassing quality and the most advanced shield systems to be found anywhere, it is considered the strongest long-range installation attacker out there.

While its shield boosting actuators allow the Phoenix, when properly equipped, to withstand tremendous punishment over a short duration, its defenses are not likely to hold up against sustained attack over longer periods. With a strong supplementary force, however, few things in existence rival this vessel's pure annihilative force.

Helpful Information

To fly capitals, get capital pings and capital SRP you must be in the Capitals group.

The Phoenix is an OK ship. The best part of the Phoenix has to be that even if it gets bumped its missiles will continue to hit the tower for full damage. Other than that the Phoenix is a standard Dreadnought.


Caldari Dreadnought bonuses (per skill level):

Role Bonus:


Non Reimbursable Fits

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