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Looking for DOCTRINE FITS?


“Be wary of those who offer you aid with a smile and words of encouragement. They are false. Those that give life so that they may live are are more reliable and true in their motives. Eternity beckons for the Sabik but travelers on that road must be clothed in the blood of the weak and refreshed by the blood of the powerful and pure. Only give succor to a true fellow traveler, that they may aid you on your journey along that road.”

- Omir Sarikusa, Meditations on a Crimson Chalice

Helpful Information

To fly capitals, get capital pings and capital SRP you must be in the Capitals group.


Amarr Carrier bonuses (per skill level):

Minmatar Carrier bonuses (per skill level):

Role Bonus:


Non Reimbursable Fits

NONE AVAILABLE – Feel free to make one and add it, or contact someone in the wiki-office channel in the Discord for help.