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Thukker Tribe


The Thukker Tribe, led by tribal leader Einnar Aeboul, is one of the seven original Minmatar tribes. They dominate the closest thing they have for a home The Great Wildlands region, but the Thukkers like to be on the move. They are constantly traveling in their huge caravans.


Thukkers enjoy their independence which each doing what they wish. Besides the Thukker tribal leader Einnar Aeboul and other tribal authorities, the Thukkers are governed by the Great Caravans which are among the largest and greatest in the Thukker controlled Great Wildlands. Though constantly on the move, their influence within the Thukker Tribe is undeniable.

Caravans are run by caravan masters, which are also Thukker tribal leaders, that coordinate fleet movements, oversee the maintenance of generations-old vessels, and engage in protracted commercial negotiations that impact the livelihood of their caravan, thus they take a very active role in the day-to-day administration of caravan affairs. Caravans maintain their own military forces to ensure the defense of their caravan, trade routes or space stations.

Among the Great Caravans are the Lakat-Hro and the Jabar, but the Lakat-Hro was lost in a wormhole. It has been suggested that the remnants will gather with Vo-Lakat, an off-shoot of the Lakat-Hro. Several other known caravans are the Sekyal, Hrada-Oki, Charcoal Embers, Fuldis and Fortune's Tally.

The recent reintegration of the tribe has presented several problems. Racial stigmas among the other tribes still linger about how Thukkers preferred mobility as their best defense to the Amarr occupation of their people and the great amount of distrust among fellow Minmatar. They also face problems with many planet-bound Thukkers that feel themselves increasingly estranged from the politics of their space-faring brethren and expressed concern that caravan masters no longer represent their needs.


The Thukker Tribe maintain their own ships in the defense of the tribe but individual caravans also maintain their own military forces. These forces are to maintain the defenses of the caravans, trade routes for travel or protection their space stations. Some of these forces were involved in the Elder War and in the raid on Konora.