Test Friends Please Ignore

Current Status

Test Friends was closed on April 20th, 2013. Below is the old wiki article about how DAWWW functioned.


What is DAWWW? DAWWW is a place to put chill corporations that aren't ready for TEST, TEST isn't ready for, or corporations that don't want the responsibilities that come with TEST.

They don't pay fees or taxes and they are not required to join our fleets. They don't get an alliance reimbursements or direct benefits other then our ambient protection. They have access to wiki, jabber, limited forums, and mumble.

What do we get out of this? We get a place to put corporations on probation and/or friendly corporations. This prevents our blue list from expanding further, will help secure the NPC / transit areas of Fountain, and will create further economic activity in Fountain.

They can rat any where TEST are permited.

They can mine in all of TEST space.

They can dock in all of HBC stations.

They are not permitted to roam into Cloud Ring & other NC territories and they must obey our blacklist.

They are permitted to join the Capitals forum/auth Group.

DAWWW policies will likely change based on feedback and evidence, feel free to let Euphorion know via forum PM or on jabber if you have any issues with them.