State Of The Alliance 2016-04-09

~~progodlegend is speaking~~

This will be about 3 or 4 minutes guys and then we'll start breaking up into fleetchannels.

So lets give you a quick little update on the war. Obviously, its going extremely well and its been moving a little fast and I know its been a lot confusing for you guys. There's been a lot of “We're moving again, really quickly. A lot of people are rejoining, a lot of people are logging back in for the first time in years.” We've just been making so much progress so quickly that its been really hard to keep up with all of it. Dreddit has more applications than they can really deal with, a lot of people asking a lot of questions, our fleet comps are kinda getting a little wonky.

So what we're gonna be doing for a while besides continuing to slam goons into the ground is that we're gonna keep trying to sort all that stuff out. Because I have to be brutally honest with you guys, we're moving to 5ZXX i Pure Blind. PL has already moved there, NCdot is in the area, a lot of the groups are in there and once TEST completes their move and once the coalition completes our plan for today, in case you guys did not know, the entire coalition is formed up at the same time as we are and we have over 3000 people once again running all over through goon space and we're executing a pretty douchy move but we wanna get this thing done so we're gonna do it.

I'm not exactly sure how much longer this will last and I'm not just saying this will be over soon, there will still be goons to shoot for the next couple of months and this war will still be going on but I can not necessarily guarantee you that we will get many more major giant fights like the ones we got in M-O or the one we got in TDW or the one we got in FCONs home system.

We've broken the CFC pretty hard and there is still a lot left to fight but this is definitely going in a certain direction. And what I want to make sure that we do besides getting this war done is I wanna make sure that everyone realizes that TEST has come a long way and we have a ton of people back and just because there may not be as much fighting going on.

~~A carrier gets itself tackled on the Hakonen gate and a brief interlude of organizing a rescue interrupts~~

So the main message today, just to get this over with real quick, is we're gonna be trying to, in the lack of a better word, we're gonna be trying to lock in some of these games that TEST has made over the past 3 or 4 weeks. And TEST has got a lot of people back, regained our reputation as a major player in Eve and we got a lot of good things going for us but TEST has been in this situation before and I know I haven't been in TEST for more than 5 or 6 months but I've been around TEST for years and I have seen this happen and a lot of people in leadership have seen this happen too. We wanna avoid the mistakes that TEST made last time, bloating up to 12000 people the wrong way. TEST is not gonna stop recruiting and we're starting to get a lot of people in the alliance again but we wanna make sure we're doing things the right way and this doesn't just stop at leadership, this goes to everyone.

You'll notice that there are a ton of people who are new and have a lot of questions, not just new to the game but new to TEST, a lot of questions, there's a lot of issues going around with fleet comps and all that and that's not all necessarily on leadership. Anyone can help out with that, what we need more than anything is everyone to be involved with helping new people to the alliance getting situated, helping people get organized in this war. Anyone can really help out with that. And its more important than ever now that we actually have people all on the same page. There is no better time than a major war like this one to really improve your alliance and streamline everything.

And we're not trying to become the next goons or anything like that, we're just trying to make an alliance that's simple and easy to get everyone involved, that everyone is on the same page and you can find the information you need quickly and get on to what we all wanna do and we're an Eve alliance and we wanna play Eve and have fun and get in big fights. But we can't do that if it takes 30 to 40 minutes to form up every time because we got tons of people asking questions, nobody knows what's going on, everyone has the wrong fits, all that kind of stuff.

So leadership is gonna be doing what we're doing for the next 2 weeks to try and fix that. On the military side, we're gonna be updating the FC thing, DDFC is gonna be changed entirely, we're gonna be updating TEST free, we're gonna be updating all of our fleet comps, which we've already done a lot of updates, we're gonna be continuing changing those and we're gonna be updating a lot of things about how we get new people into TEST and organizing it, Dran is working on some of the forms as well, we got a lot of stuff coming in but this isn't just on leadership.

And before we start moving I just want to reiterate that one last time. This is on everyone. For the next month or 2, while we're in this war, everyone needs to be involved while we have so much momentum, while we have so many people interested in Eve again for the first time in a long time and trying to help everyone in TEST pick us up and get everyone on the same page. Because when this thing is over in a couple of months we don't want to go back to the way it was and worst of all, we don't want to get to the way TEST was 2 or 3 years ago when, you know, a lot of shit happened, a lot of drama went down.

While locking these games we've made, we wanna have everyone comfortable and enjoying themselves in TEST so when this war is over we can actually chill and still wreck everyone without having to freak out about shit and without having a ton of bureaucracy or any of the other horseshit we're, quite frankly, fighting to end right now.