Fatal Ascension

These awesome dudes are based in Europe (mostly?), so catch them early.

At present (as of 29th October, 2011), FA has been reset by TEST, TEST Friends and a few other CFC alliances due to drama. They promptly reset us, too, so until Mittens fixes shit we're shooting them on a regular basis. Notable engagements: (1) and (2)

As of October 31th though, things seem to be clearing up a little again:

“[19:42:28] <pleaseignore.com> In order to end the war between TEST & FA a duet has been proposed. The singers will be Notchicken of TEST and Kaleb Rysode of Fatal Ascension.

Any suggestions for songs? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sssqBjaTzOU This is currently my favorite.

#### SENT BY - Montolio to all @ Oct 31 2011 18:42:28 EVE Time ####”

November 1st marks the end (well, more or less) of FA hostilites: https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/2174-test-fatal-ascension-part-2. Basically, FA have been providing so many goodfights that in the future we may be forming temporary 'allowed-to-shoot' pacts with other CFC alliances to keep both sides sharp and just have fun.

Zagdul shows that he sucks

On February 28, 2012, BDEAL dropped their sov in Fountain and moved in with FA. Zagdul made stuff up about BDEAL getting kicked from Fountain, and generally was an idiot.