The Battle Of OWXT

The battle of OWXT occurred on July 26, 2010 in OWXT-5, Deklein and lasted like 48 fucking hours. This operation was TEST's first (serious) attempt at taking sovereignty. Since Goons and TCF were giving us the system, there ideally should have not been any battle, but of course this is TEST alliance we're talking about and they get shit from everybody.

Anyways we dropped the first TCU at like 300 Eve time and about 2 hours later people started whining about sitting around and having to guard the TCU so the defense fleet shrunk from like 150 people to 30.

Half an hour before downtime (during which the TCU would've onlined), Evoke hot-dropped the TCU with several Aeons and Nyxes; poor thing didn't stand a chance. Planning to catch them after downtime, we scanned down their safespot and anchored a bubble, but they had already jumped out.

I don't care if this part is made up, it's funny so it's saying. -zan So here was Evoke, sitting in our system with a fuckload of caps just minging around. We asked NC for assistance and they sent us one man, Imperion. Little known to most of us, Imperion is one of the NC's main FCs, and much like our SaMatra, is a badass.

30 minutes later Imperion got into system, and then he drops this bombshell: Imperion: Anybody got a cyno? Then fucksploding happens. The entire Evoke fleet Ctr+Q's and OWXT is empty of hostiles once more. They even Ctr+Q'd their fucking scouts.

I, Zanielyene proceeded to BFF in local while unzipped I Imperian's pants.

At this point we drop another TCU, and this time try our best to guard it better. At this point it is morning in the Americas, and all of that lot starts to log in and join the defense fleet. At this point the fleet has like 80 people in it and TooDucky still has not slept (~32 hours at this point).

Time passes, and it is all quiet on the western front. It was all boring as shit until about an hour and a half before the TCU onlined. Then fucking Evoke comes back in a HAC brofist gang with hella logistics. They start shooting TCU, and our fleet was far too small and undershipped to engage. At this point, our glorious leader TooDucky has an idea. He decides to use Hurricanes as ammo(srsly). He has us slingshot our anti-support BCs to a wreck outside the TCU pos to draw ev0ke away from the TCU. He kept this shit up for like almost half an hour, and we lost like 40 BCs. The battle was extremely close, the TCU was into armor and there was less than 20 minutes left on the online timer. Nobody in fleet had any idea whether were going to make it, and judging by TooDucky's incessant, maniac-like laughing in Mumble, it was anybody's guess. TooDucky then has us ship into BS's with active tanks and smartbombs. These were extremely successful in luring the Evoke gang away from the TCU, and eventually the TCU onlined while it was in half armor.

The Celebration

The minute the TCU had finished onlining, local burst into flames as hundreds of TESTies spammed local with ASCII pictures and unicode scripts. That night many Test Dummies were sexed, many asteriods were mined, and the seeds of a new empire were sewn into the quiet constellation of A21H-Z.