===== Goblins Map (Home) ===== {{https://i.imgur.com/4wc1c9i.png?direct&}} ==== Hello! ==== This is the Goblin Map that links all our shit together. \\ bookmark this shit and share it with new guys. ---- ==== NAVIGATION ==== [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:fits|Fits]] - Come find something fun to fly, ask the fc which archetype hes lacking, click into it and select something cool [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:doctrines|Doctrines]] - For full doctrines we might call for. [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:start:goblinmap:srp|SRP]] - For when you feed and daddy Dharen gotta ask the alliance overlords for access to the vault. [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:start:goblinmap:discord|Discord & smallgang networking]] - This page is a must-read for anyone whose interested in out-of-alliance pvp, too.