===== Goblins of Boom ===== {{https://i.imgur.com/COhKeLb.jpg?direct&800}} Welcome to the Goblins of Boom recruitment page! **Read all of this shit before applying or be rejected. ** (Current members go [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:start:goblinmap|here]]) ==== What We Do ==== \\ We practice smallgang actively with training sessions, wormhole roams and daily fights against all commers into Esoteria. - Practice involves Manual piloting, feathering, understanding how transversal is everything, learning the small gang archetypes and how to use them. - Roaming ususally means forming with Jita, jumping into a wormhole and visiting content rich areas, especially china. - Eso home defense means actually using sub caps in Esoteria to practice getting good at killing hunters, which in turn teaches us what to look out for when roaming. ==== Requirements ==== * Must have and retain an active killboard. * Must participate in sig fleets/practice sessions. * Should have experience or novice understanding of smallgang and it's archetypes. * Must be able to fly a stiletto or malediction (skillplans to be made) * Must be a team player, follow the leads instructions and be respectful to your fellow pilots. ==== How to Apply ==== Apply with a character who fits the requirements (interceptor at the moment). You will need to go to [[https://auth.pleaseignore.com/groups/requestable/|Auth]] and request to join 'Goblins of Boom' Recruitment is open to any member of TEST and does not require you to change your corporation. ==== Once Accepted ==== Great you got accepted now go into TEST discord in #botcommands and do !auth or you can simply click this link [[https://auth.pleaseignore.com/discord/login|Discord Login]] If your channels and Discord Servers do not update you may need to update access button inside [[https://auth.pleaseignore.com/profile/|Auth Profile]] [[zzz_-_archive:archive:defunct:goblins:start:goblinmap|Goblin Map]] (links to goblin resources) ==== Who can i contact about Goblins ==== * Dharen Wakefield