====== Where We Live ====== ===== Current Capital & Military Staging ===== * TEST Home Station: [[https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Deklein/3T7-M8|3T7-M8]], Deklein * Coalition Station: [[https://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/4-HWWF|4-HWWF]], Vale of the Silent * NOTE: As of March 2023 TEST Alliance is now a member of WinterCo and this serves as coalition staging. * TEST Catch Deployment Station: [[https://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Catch/F4R2-Q|F4R2-Q]], Catch ==== Regional Information ==== You can view current region and alliance processes with regards to living in space in the following forum link: [[https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/110175-diplomatic-agreements-v2/|Diplomatic Agreements v2]] WinterCo's Sov map and rules can be found here: [[https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1K9Ijo1H8-z3u3bdBbzyLHGn-N1Ay4gDZgyri2aVInmM/edit#slide=id.p|WinterCo Space]] * NOTE - This link is a Google Doc so avoid using personal google account profiles to view it. ===== Past Stagings: ===== **[[culture:history|See our history for the through story of the places we have lived]]**