===== Top 10 Newbie Mistakes ===== ---- =====Overview===== Eve has a pretty steep learning curve. This is actually one of its selling points, but it might not feel like that at first. This is the list of big mistakes that newbies are prone to making. Learn from the mistakes of nubs past, and thrive. Here we go: ---- =====Top 10===== - **Failing to go through the standard character creation process correctly** * Not finishing the tutorial missions - **Not being prepared for the worst** * Failure to insure a ship * Flying something you can't afford to lose and then crying when it gets blown up - **Being stupid in 0.0 space** * Not Watching Local * Going AFK in dangerous areas * Not having an escort, info and WCS for travel in 0.0 * Accepting "Blind" gang invites from enemies * Going out into 0.0 space with skillbooks in your cargo hold instead of "inject"ing them into your skill queue. - **Being an utter failure at diplomacy** * Not being aware of who you are at war with * Flying around empire market hubs (Jita, Rens, Oursulaert) with expensive shit in your cargo hold with wardecs active * Not being aware of who you are friendly with - **Being an idiot during ops** * Giving orders contrary to your gang/op leader * Filling gang chat with random garbage during PvP ops * Warping to a friendly Covert Ops pilot at 0 and decloaking him * Warping to a friendly Capital Ship pilot at 0 or attacking a capital ship "just for lols" (this includes titans) * Taking any unmanned ship thats bigger than a frigate from friendly POS's * Not aligning before gangwarp * Not being on Mumble in a fight - **Not yet getting the basics of the game's mechanics** * Not having, specifically, safe spot bookmarks (like Insta-Undocks) * Not knowing your optimal range * Not having Overview Settings correctly setup * Sending mass mails to the entire corp by accident - **Not asking for or accepting charity from older bros.** * Not taking advantage of the free frigate program. * Not begging for startup cash from your squad or whatever. Seriously, it's no big deal, especially for skillbooks and shit like that. * Not asking older players questions. * Not attending ops because you're worried you'll suck. - **Not reading TEST's [[diplo:bylaws|Rules]]** * We have rules. If you break them, we will probably kick you. Sorry! - **Not using Implants after your first month of playing** * You will kick yourself for all the lost skillpoints if you end up playing for more than six months. - **Not doing PvP** * One of the major things that separates us from the general Eve player is that pretty much all of our pilots have at least tried PvP, especially as newer pilots. If you end up as a PvP-eschewing planetary-interaction focused piece of shit that doesn't know how to avoid hostiles in local, the day will probably come when we kick you out. It's okay to be terrible as long as you are trying to be good, but being terrible because your heart longs for high-sec is not okay. * Keep Discord open, we tend to have fleets in all time zones so be ready for a ping. FC's and junior FC's will even get bored and have impromptu roams if there isn't a ~Serious Business Op~ happening.