======TEST Freighters Please Ignore====== This page was Edited by Chris Martinn, who isn't native English speaker. If you see any kind of grammatical mistakes or better sentence, please refer to this [[https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/82364-test-freighters-please-ignore/|forum post]] and feel free to edit it into better sentence. =====Rules===== ***NO CONTAINERS OF ANY KIND** *MANDATORY collateral >= 100% Jita Sell Value as per EvePraisal.com *Set expiration to 7 days or longer *Set time to complete to 1 day. *Max contract size *< 60k (very strongly recommended for fast delivery) *< 300k (enforced maximum) *For contracts >300k contact a jf pilot directly or ask in #services-offered channel of alliance discord *Max collateral *There is no maximum, so long as the calculator rates are followed. *Its recommended to split contracts with large collat to hit the 10bil target. For very very large collat contracts you should work out the contract with a freight hauler directly. *Minimum Reward *5m, Come on now, ain't nobody got time to move your shit for less than 5 million ISK. =====Freight Reward===== Use the calculator here to determine the reward for the contract: http://freight.pleaseignore.com/calc/ The official routes are listed on calculator. If you need something alternative as in #services-offered channel in alliance discord or contact a jf pilot directly. =====How to issue a courier contract===== Refer to [[training:freight]]. =====How to issue a courier contract===== Refer to [[squads:freight:jumpfreighting]]. =====Misc===== Every courier contract issued to alliance is listed [[https://freight.pleaseignore.com/|here]]. \\ \\ Please see the following forum posts for details: * If you want your stuff moved (Clients): https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/110798-test-freighters-please-ignore/ * If you want to move stuff for others (Pilots): https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/110799-division-alliance-test-freighters-please-ignore/