==== AuthAPI 1.0 user ==== ----- === Auth User API === ----- https://auth.pleaseignore.com/api/1.0/user [[it:auth_api:1.0 | Back to 1.0]] == Parameters == * User Filter parameter. Can be one of these: * userid: "id" field returned from login * user: username someone uses to login to auth * Auth 3rd Party Developer API Key * apikey: Ask someone from the dev team for a third party dev key. == Example Result (JSON) == { "username": "ozzeh", "superuser": false, "groups": [ { "_state": "", "id": 1, "name": "Dreddit" }, { "_state": "", "id": 6, "name": "Test Alliance" }, { "_state": "", "id": 34, "name": "Romeo Squad" }, { "_state": "", "id": 36, "name": "Sperg Squad" }, { "_state": "", "id": 40, "name": "Devs" }, { "_state": "", "id": 43, "name": "Test Social" }, { "_state": "", "id": 76, "name": "deedeereddit" }, { "_state": "", "id": 125, "name": "ftptest" } ], "redditaccounts": [ { "username": "ozzeh", "reddit_id": "389gi", "last_update": "2011-09-13T13:25:16Z", "user_id": 1XX, "_state": "", "link_karma": 84, "comment_karma": 1197, "date_created": "2008-08-28T22:27:50Z", "validated": true, "id": 45 } ], "email": "***************", "characters": [ { "attrib_perception": 27, "last_logoff": null, "attrib_charisma": 17, "attrib_memory": 17, "corporation_date": "2012-03-17T03:23:00Z", "attrib_willpower": 21, "api_last_updated": "2012-10-13T11:38:48Z", "total_sp": 43895748, "gender": 2, "corporation_id": 1018389948, "security_status": -0.36866354639947002, "attrib_intelligence": 17, "current_location_id": null, "race": 4, "last_login": null, "_state": "", "balance": 30669400.16, "id": 1976302652, "name": "SandyBox" } ], "serviceaccounts": [ { "character_id": 1976302652, "user_id": 1XX, "_state": "", "service_uid": "sandybox@pleaseignore.com", "active": true, "service_id": 8, "id": 42176 } ], "id": 1XX, - Auth User ID "staff": false - True if user is a server admin }