==== AuthAPI 1.0 character ==== ------ === Auth Character API === ------ https://auth.pleaseignore.com/api/1.0/character [[it:auth_api:1.0 | Back to 1.0]] == Parameters == * Character Filter: * charid: The numeric EVE character ID used by the API * name: The Character Name. This parameter can either be exact or partial. If a partial name is given it will perform a case-insensitive search. Must be at least 5 characters long. * Auth 3rd Party Developer API Key * apiley: Ask someone from the dev team for a third party dev key. === Example Result (JSON) === [ { "director": false, "name": "SandyBox", "corporation": { "alliance": { "name": "Test Alliance Please Ignore", "id": 498125261 }, "name": "Dreddit", "id": 1018389948 }, "total_sp": 43895748, "security_status": -0.36866354639947002, "skillset": [ { "skillpoints": 0, "skill__id": 2495, "skill__name": "Interplanetary Consolidation", "level": 0 }, ... ], "balance": 30669400.16, "id": 1976302652, "corporation_date": "2012-03-17T03:23:00Z" } ]