====== Pacifier ====== Looking for **[[military:doctrines:start|DOCTRINE FITS]]**? ---- {{https://image.eveonline.com/Render/44993_256.png?nolink}} ===== Description ===== Notorious across New Eden, the Pacifier-class frigate has made its name as CONCORD's premier fast-attack frigate, capable of laying waste even to the Angel Cartel's legendary Dramiel-class high-performance frigates. Originally based on a hybridization of the Punisher and Rifter frigate hulls, CONCORD's Directive Enforcement Department became concerned early in the Drifter Crisis that the design could no longer meet its needs. The Pacifier joined other ship classes in the DED inventory as part of CONCORD Aerospace's "Force Majeure Program" to develop enhanced variants. While CONCORD Aerospace successfully upgraded the Pacifier and other DED vessels with hyper-advanced technology, the program became a severe drain on CONCORD's resources. Consequently, the Inner Circle authorized a limited release of the Pacifier, stripped of CONCORD's advanced rapid-deployment and electronic warfare suites, to the capsuleer market via authorized dealers. ====Helpful Information==== The Pacifier was issued to all Fanfest 2017 ticket purchasers. A single run blueprint copy is given as a reward for reaching level 50 in Project Discovery. ---- ===== Overview ===== Covert Ops bonuses (per skill level): * 10% bonus to Core and Combat Scanner Probe Strength * 10% reduction in Survey Probe flight time * 10% bonus to warp speed and acceleration Gallente Frigate bonuses (per skill level): * 5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret damage * 7.5% bonus to Small Hybrid Turret tracking speed Minmatar Frigate bonuses (per skill level): * 5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret rate of fire * 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret falloff Caldari Frigate bonuses (per skill level): * 5% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket Launcher rate of fire * 10% bonus to Light Missile and Rocket flight time Amarr Frigate bonuses (per skill level): * 5% bonus to Small Energy Turret damage * 10% bonus to Small Energy Turret optimal range Role Bonus: * 100% reduction in Cloaking Devices CPU requirement * 10+ bonus to Relic and Data Analyzer virus strength * Can fit Covert Ops Cloaking Device and Covert Cynosural Field Generator * Cloak reactivation delay reduced to 5 seconds * 10% bonus to security status gains from destruction of non-capsuleer pirates while flying this ship * Armor Repairer and Shield Booster effectiveness increased by a percentage equal to 10x pilot security status, with a floor of 0% and ceiling of 50% ---- ===== Requirements ===== * Gallente Frigate I * Spaceship Command I * Caldari Frigate I * Spaceship Command I * Amarr Frigate I * Spaceship Command I * Minmatar Frigate I * Spaceship Command I * Covert Ops I * Spaceship Command III * Electronics Upgrades V * CPU Management II * Power Grid Management II ---- ===== Non Reimbursable Fits ===== NONE AVAILABLE – Feel free to make one and add it, or contact someone in the wiki-office channel in the Discord for help.