====== Svipul ====== Looking for **[[military:doctrines:start|DOCTRINE FITS]]**? ---- {{https://image.eveonline.com/Render/34562_256.png?nolink}} ===== Description ===== Released in YC 117 as the result of the first Republic Fleet joint research project to include engineers from all seven Minmatar tribes, the Svipul is a powerful symbol of inter-tribal unity for many Republic citizens. Although the contributions of engineers from the Nefantar and Starkmanir tribes were fairly minor, a large delegation from the Vo-Lakat Thukker caravan and donations from Republic loyalist capsuleers across the cluster were invaluable to the development of this incredibly adaptable warship. ====Helpful Information==== ---- ===== Overview ===== Minmatar Tactical Destroyer Bonuses Per Level: * 5% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage * 10% bonus to Small Projectile Turret optimal range * 5% reduction in heat damage generated by modules Misc Bonus: * +33% Small Projectile Turret Damage * 95% reduction in Scan Probe Launcher CPU requirements Additional bonuses are available when one of three Tactical Destroyer Modes are active. Modes may be changed no more than once every 10 seconds. * Defense Mode * 33.3% bonus to all shield and armor resistances while Defense Mode is active * 66.6% reduction in Microwarpdrive signature radius penalty while Defense Mode is active * Propulsion Mode * 66.6% bonus to Afterburner and Microwarpdrive speed boost while Propulsion Mode is enabled * 33.3% bonus to ship inertia modifier while Propulsion Mode is active * Sharpshooter Mode * 33.3% bonus to Small Projectile Turret tracking while Sharpshooter Mode is active * 33.3% bonus to Small Projectile Turret damage while Sharpshooter Mode is enabled * 100% bonus to sensor strength and targeting range while Sharpshooter Mode is active * 66.6% increased resistances against hostile Sensor Dampeners and Weapon Disruptors while Sharpshooter Mode is enabled ---- ===== Requirements ===== *Minmatar Tactical Destroyer I *Minmatar Destroyer V *Minmatar Frigate III *Spaceship Command I ---- ===== Non Reimbursable Fits ===== NONE AVAILABLE – Feel free to make one and add it, or contact someone in the wiki-office channel in the Discord for help.