======Rupture====== {{https://image.eveonline.com/Render/629_256.png?nolink}} =====Overview===== The Rupture is the heavy hitting brother of the Minmatar cruiser family. It is used not for the heavy tackling role of the [[eve:ships:cruisers:stabber|Stabber]], but for straight-forward damage dealing. It is a great cruiser and a great transition to the [[eve:ships:battlecruisers:hurricane|Hurricane]]. The Rupture is slow for a Minmatar ship, but it more than makes up for it in power. The Rupture has superior firepower and is used by the Minmatar Republic both to defend space stations and other stationary objects and as part of massive attack formations. ---- ====Requirements==== * Minmatar Cruiser I * Spaceship Command II * Minmatar Destroyer III * Minmatar Frigate III * Spaceship Command I ---- ====Traits==== Minmatar Cruiser bonuses (per skill level): * 5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret rate of fire * 5% bonus to Medium Projectile Turret damage ---- ====Useful Guidelines==== As we've come to expect from Minmatar ships, the Rupture's greatest strength is derived from its versatility. Good mobility and an abundance of fitting options make the Rupture one of those ships that can do just about anything - shield or armour, brawler or kiter, gank or tank. Unfortunately, this flexibility comes at a price - there are few roles in which the Rupture isn't simply outperformed by at least one of its more specialised competitors. The Rupture's 5/4/5 slot layout is wide open, with plenty of room for either shield or armour tanking. Despite only having four turrets, bonuses to both projectile damage and rate of fire give the Rupture a marginally higher number of 'effective' turrets than its Amarr and Caldari equivalents, as well as having twice as much room for drones. However, the lower base damage of projectile turrets compared to hybrids typically leaves the Rupture somewhere between the Moa and Maller in terms of actual damage output, depending on the fit. In terms of gank and tank, the Rupture is fairly underwhelming. Its shield configuration offers fairly reasonable damage anywhere from 300 to 500dps depending on the fit, but little in the way of tank. The armour variant is tougher with about 40k EHP, but its damage output drops down into the bottom half of that scale. Thankfully, the Rupture has a few more things going its way. For one, it's the only combat cruiser to get a spare high slot and most of its common setups can easily carry a medium neut. This added utility can come in very handy for dislodging tacklers or brawling against cap-intensive opponents, and in gangs it can be incredibly valuable for neutralizing hostile logistics ships. Secondly, the Rupture's weapon system offers a great deal of versatility; it can select its damage type to exploit an opponent's lowest resist, has flexible range (although unlike the Maller's pulse lasers, its damage begins to fall off after the first few km) and requires no capacitor to fire. While not as fast as an attack cruiser, the Rupture is also relatively nimble which allows it to make good use of this flexibility in controlling the position of a fight - a very useful attribute when operating solo. Of all the cruisers, the Rupture probably sees the most variation in terms of fitting. The shield buffer option tends to be the most popular right now, building on the Rupture's natural strengths to produce a relatively strong kiting platform. Typical speeds of between 1.7 and 1.9km leave the kiting Rupture significantly slower than its Minmatar rival the Stabber, however its damage output is also substantially higher. It's worth bearing in mind of course that this kind of fit generally fights well into its accuracy falloff, so the damage that it actually applies is usually much lower than its theoretical maximum. While it's possible for the Rupture pilot to commit to the fight and go in close to increase their damage output, this configuration is less suited to brawling and doing so presents a fairly substantial risk. Thanks to its natural kiting ability, the shield Rupture also makes a fairly strong artillery platform (in fact it's one of the few T1 turret cruisers that regularly gets used with its long ranged weapon system). Fitting artillery substantially increases the Rupture's damage projection - out to about 19+36km with close range ammo - as well as granting it impressive volley damage in the region of 2.5k. The loss of tracking speed however, combined with the inability to fit a medium neut, makes this kind of setup much more risky as a solo option and you'll mostly find it used in gangs. While not quite as common as its shield counterpart, the armour buffer Rupture remains a popular choice. Not only is this configuration far tougher - comparable in tank to the shield Moa - but the two mid slots that it gains by not fitting a shield tank give it a great deal of flexibility when brawling; dual webs or dual prop can give the armour Rupture excellent range control when fighting in close, while a tracking disruptor or two can add an unexpected twist to a solo engagement. The trade-off for this is reduced mobility (down to around 1.3km/s) and a substantial drop in damage projection (typically around 2+15km with barrage). The fitting options for this ship don't stop there; while buffer tanks make up the vast majority of the Ruptures that you'll encounter, both ASB shield fits and dual rep armour tanks see enough use to not be worth discounting. I won't go into too much detail on them, but suffice to say they're out there and you shouldn't be surprised if you encounter one. How you go about fighting a Rupture will depend to some extent on whether you think they're armour or shield fit. You can work this out by looking at their guns (425mms or artillery generally indicate a shield fit, while 180mms are common with armour), or simply by observing their behaviour in the lead up to a fight. While both configurations will deal their best damage up close, the shield Rupture has very little control over a close range engagement whereas the armour Rupture has exactly the opposite. Particularly if they're loading barrage, it's possible to evade a good portion of the shield Rupture's fire simply by orbiting as close as possible (as long as you don't have the same or worse tracking yourself - pulse lasers I'm looking at you). The armour Rupture on the other hand will lose a significant chunk of its damage output if the fight takes place outside of web range, however a stronger brawler might just want to dive in anyway. Against either configuration, beware of that neut - T1 cruisers have notoriously weak capacitor, and smaller ships will find themselves quickly sucked dry unless they're packing either a nos or a cap booster. ---- ====Fitting==== ===PvP=== **Fun-sized Low Skills Rupture** [Rupture, T1 Baby Hurricane] Damage Control I Tracking Enhancer I Gyrostabilizer I Gyrostabilizer I Gyrostabilizer I Large Shield Extender I Y-T8 Overcharged Hydrocarbon I Microwarpdrive Warp Disruptor I 425mm AutoCannon I, EMP M 425mm AutoCannon I, EMP M 425mm AutoCannon I, EMP M 425mm AutoCannon I, EMP M [empty high slot] [empty high slot] **Nexlol's Fun-sized Rape Machine of Ultimate Death** [Rupture, Rape Machine] Damage Control II 1600mm Steel Plates II Gyrostabilizer II Multispectrum Coating II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I 10MN Microwarpdrive I Stasis Webifier II 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M Small Nosferatu I [empty high slot] Warrior II x6 Takes quite the skills to fit. May not be enough Powergrid left for the NOS, although dropping the plate to 800 mm would make you faster and probably give you enough Powergrid to put one on. Recommend drone augs (damage and optimal range) if you stick with the plate to better catch interceptors. Although you can not go wrong with a salvager. **Cheap murder-boat** [Rupture, Murder-boat] Damage Control I 800mm Rolled Tungsten Compact Plates Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane I Gyrostabilizer I Gyrostabilizer I 10MN Microwarpdrive I J5b Phased Prototype Warp Scrambler I Stasis Webifier I 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon I, EMP M Upgraded 'Malkuth' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Assault Missile Upgraded 'Malkuth' Heavy Assault Missile Launcher I, Mjolnir Assault Missile Hammerhead I x3 Named modules are used where the price difference is trivial or they are necessities. Upgrade modules to T2 as skills and finances allow. With modest skills a month old character should have roughly 200dps and 15,000 health in this ship which makes it a remarkably nasty little cruiser. **Finger of Bang** 44.9k EHP [Rupture, Fingerbang] 1600mm Steel Plates II Damage Control II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Gyrostabilizer II 10MN Afterburner II 'Langour' Drive Disruptor I Warp Disruptor II Tracking Computer II, Optimal Range Script 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M 220mm Vulcan AutoCannon II, Barrage M Small EMP Smartbomb II Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Medium Trimark Armor Pump I Hammerhead II x1 Warrior II x4 Cargohold: * Barrage M * Republic Fleet Phased Plasma M * Republic Fleet Fusion M * Republic Fleet EMP M * Hail M * Nanite Repair Paste * Note: Bring all the ammo. Bring t1 ammo too. **PimPam** [Rupture, PimPam] Damage Control II Gyrostabilizer II Gyrostabilizer II Tracking Enhancer II Tracking Enhancer II Experimental 10MN Microwarpdrive I Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II EM Shield Hardener II 720mm Prototype Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP M 720mm Prototype Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP M 720mm Prototype Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP M 720mm Prototype Siege Cannon, Republic Fleet EMP M Small Proton Smartbomb II Medium Ancillary Current Router I Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I Medium Core Defense Field Extender I