====== Scorpion ====== ===== Overview ===== The Scorpion is the ultimate electronic warfare battleship. It is able to take the damage, and jam, remote sensor dampen, or disrupt tracking. It is not as hard to pilot as many other battleships, but expect to be primaried in combat. It also has the ability to be a remote repair battleship. There are many, many, many ways you can fly a Scorpion. It all comes down to situation and personal taste. You can choose between shield and armor buffers, jammers, RSD's, TD's, RR, and much more. ---- ====Requirements==== * Caldari Battleship I * Spaceship Command IV * Caldari Battlecruiser III * Spaceship Command III * Caldari Cruiser III * Spaceship Command II * Caldari Destroyer III * Caldari Frigate III * Spaceship Command I ---- ====Traits==== Caldari Battleship bonuses (per skill level): * 15% bonus to ECM Target Jammer and ECM Burst strength * 25% bonus to ECM Target Jammer and ECM Burst optimal range and falloff ---- ====Alpha Fleet Scorp, Wat Do ?==== {{:eve:ships:battleships:scorp_1_.png?300|}} Congratulations you finally trained out of that drake and got yourself into one of the most important ships in Alpha Fleet. This ship is like a blackbird except you don't have to warp out. When the enemy locks you up ( they will ) instead of warping out you just get ready to overheat your tank ( you did train thermodynamics right ? ) and broadcast for shield ( assigning it a shortcut key could save you ). What you'll jam will vary depending on the situation. If we're fighting another Alpha Fleet for example you'll want to spread jams among Maelstroms since enemy logi won't matter as much. If you're fighting against an Abaddon fleet with massive guardian support then going after logi is the better idea. Naturally this will be up to your FC's discretion, just be sure it's clear what your priority is before the fight starts. You may be wondering what you're supposed to be doing with those smartbombs in your highs, let me start by saying no they are not there to randomly activate in the middle of a boring pos shoot and startle the scimi pilots. The smartombs have a couple utility roles to play, depending on the situation the scorps can cluster up in front of the fleet and SB the incoming missles thus reducing enemy dps ( yes missiles can be blown up by smartbombs) . SB's can also be used to take out enemy drones or even some extra dps against enemies that get in too close. Speaking of too close, aHAC's like to get in face fuck range of our Maelstroms so they can't be tracked, this is where your heavy neuts come in. Without cap a zealot will be unable to shoot or afterburn away, so with your jammers and neuts you can effectively take out 5 different zealots at once, this is why the Scorpion is so important, it reduces their effectiveness and still manages to add a little extra dps ( as laughable as that may be with this set up, but every last bit counts ) Just remember, this isn't a blackbird. You don't need special warp-ins you stay with the fleet and align where the FC says to. If you're primaried and your tank isn't holding by all means warp out, but the longer you're on the field jamming the better. ==== Fittings ==== === PVP === == Scorpion Shield/Rokhtrine Fit == IF YOU DO NOT FIT A CYNO TO YOUR SHIELD SCORPION THEN YOU WILL BE DEDUCTED 10% FROM YOUR REIMBURSEMENT. Be on the field, jam shit, smartbomb carrier fighters, cyno in all the things. [Scorpion, Shield] Damage Control II Type-D Attenuation Signal Augmentation Signal Distortion Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II Large Micro Jump Drive Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II EM Shield Hardener II 'Umbra' White Noise ECM BZ-5 Neutralizing Spatial Destabilizer ECM 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I Cynosural Field Generator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Large 'Notos' Explosive Charge I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Vespa EC-600 x5 Warrior II x5 == IAmA Narwhal's Fleet Sniper ECM Scorpion== [Scorpion, Sniper ECM] Signal Distortion Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II Damage Control II 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I 100MN Microwarpdrive I Sensor Booster II, Targeting Range Script ECM - Ion Field Projector II ECM - Spatial Destabilizer II ECM - Spatial Destabilizer II ECM - Phase Inverter II ECM - Ion Field Projector II ECM - White Noise Generator II Cruise Missile Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher I, Caldari Navy Mjolnir Cruise Missile Salvager I Large 'Solace' I Remote Bulwark Reconstruction Large Ionic Field Projector I Large Ionic Field Projector I Large Particle Dispersion Augmentor I == Lieutenant Xaen's Long Range Scorpion == [Scorpion, Long Range] Damage Control II Signal Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II Signal Distortion Amplifier II 100MN Microwarpdrive II ECM - Spatial Destabilizer II ECM - Phase Inverter II ECM - Ion Field Projector II ECM - White Noise Generator II ECM - Multispectral Jammer II ECM - Multispectral Jammer II ECCM - Gravimetric II Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Cruise Missile Launcher II, Guristas Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher II, Guristas Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher II, Guristas Mjolnir Cruise Missile Cruise Missile Launcher II, Guristas Mjolnir Cruise Missile Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Hornet EC-300 x5 Vespa EC-600 x5 The drones and neuts are just for breaking tackles/locks. You should be 90-120km (not 150km+) away from the fight in this out of line with any celestials. Optimal jam range with my skills is 114 with 86km falloff. As the ECM battleship, you should be the undisputed king of EWAR on the battlefield, so the ECCM is vital, as well as being able to out range most other ECM boats from beyond engagement range, but within the magical 150km so you can't be warped to. The cruise launchers are just for something to do with the highslots, and the heavy neuts and ECM drones are just for breaking tackles on yourself. It's got a respectable amount (if not a lot) of EHP and isn't super expensive. The hardest and most vital part will be getting a good vantage point to ECM from. If you're camping, you should be at it anyway, and aligned to warp out because you will be primary. Expect to lose this ship, and your FC will probably ask you to focus your ECMs on the hostiles, and use only drones & neuts for self defense. == Zax's Bang For Buck Battleships - 1k DPS == [Scorpion, 1k DPS... not.] 1600mm Reinforced Rolled Tungsten Plates I Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Damage Control II 100MN Microwarpdrive II ECM - White Noise Generator II ECM - White Noise Generator II ECM - Ion Field Projector II ECM - Ion Field Projector II ECM - Phase Inverter II ECM - Phase Inverter II ECCM - Gravimetric II Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Dread Guristas Nova Torpedo Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Dread Guristas Nova Torpedo Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Dread Guristas Nova Torpedo Prototype 'Arbalest' Torpedo Launcher, Dread Guristas Nova Torpedo Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Large 'Notos' Explosive Charge I Large EM Armor Plate I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Bouncer II x3 Not actually 1k DPS, something something ECM. == Beercat (aka FOFO Scorpion) == [Scorpion, Beercat] Damage Control II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II Ballistic Control System II ECM Burst II Large Micro Jump Drive Target Spectrum Breaker Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I Large Shield Extender II Large Shield Extender II Multispectrum Shield Hardener II EM Shield Hardener II 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I 'Arbalest' Cruise Launcher I, Scourge Auto-Targeting Cruise Missile I [Empty High Slot] [Empty High Slot] Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I Large Core Defense Field Extender I == Armor ECM Scorpion == The NOSes are for setting up a capchain while you're running your ECM/smartbombs. [Scorpion, Armor ECM mk3] 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane II Kinetic Armor Hardener II Damage Control II 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates II Prototype 100MN Microwarpdrive I Sensor Booster II Heavy Electrochemical Capacitor Booster I, Cap Booster 800 'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I 'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I 'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I 'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I 'Hypnos' Ion Field ECM I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Heavy Unstable Power Fluctuator I Cynosural Field Generator I Small EMP Smartbomb II Small EMP Smartbomb II Large Explosive Armor Plate I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Large Trimark Armor Pump I Vespa EC-600 x5 Warrior II x5