=====Limited Sleeper Caches===== ---- The Limited Sleeper Cache is the easiest of the Sleeper Cache Sites. Sleeper Cache sites are significantly more difficult than normal data or relic sites, and pilots will be risking their ship when trying any of them. However, once familiar with these sites, pilots should be able to run the site without taking any damage. Like all Sleeper Cache sites, the Limited Sleeper Cache requires the use of both Data and Relic Analyzers. Entry is restricted to frigates, and an exploration frigate is highly recommended in order to make use of their hacking bonuses. Limited Sleeper Caches are Cosmic Signatures that must be located using core scanner probes. They are more difficult to scan down than normal signatures, and require well-developed scanning skills to pinpoint completely. ---- =====Quick Guide===== The Limited Sleeper Cache is the first taste of Sleeper Caches most pilots will encounter. This site poses some risks, but it is not as dangerous as other Sleeper Caches. Although the Limited Cache doesn't usually pay as well as the more difficult sites, it can still be worth running. If the initial Hyperfluct Generator container has been hacked, and the accompanying Spatial Rift has spawned, another pilot has probably already entered the site. Check zKillboard or another appropriate service for any recent losses. - Hack the entry can. Enter the site. - Cargo scan all the cans, and evaluate the value thereof. - If the wreck Storage Depot has good loot inside it, hack the Remote Pressure Control Unit and then extract the loot out of that container. Alternatively, tank it. - Disable the Remote Defense Grid unit. This only has to be done to disable the Forcefield Generator guarding one specific container. You may try a different approach, detailed below. - Hack the remaining worthy cans. ---- =====Walkthrough===== =====Entrance===== ===On warp in:== > This area has been hidden from prying eyes for years. Now the structure responsible for cloaking the site is damaged, finally allowing for a way in. A quick survey indicates this is a storage site, possibly used to store items collected by Sleepers from all over known space. What defenses or dangers lurk inside are uncertain, but the use of both a Data Analyzer and Relic Analyzer are required. The entry gate only allows frigate-sized ships through. Upon warping to the signature, pilots will land in the entry room. A Hyperfluct Generator will be present. If it has been hacked and a rift is activated, then another pilot has already entered the site. Hack the Hyperfluct Generator. ***CAN DIFFICULTY: 7/10 DATA** [RED HACK] ***SUCCESS:** A new spatial rift (acceleration gate) is opened to the main area, which is called the Ransacked Storage Site. ***FAILURE:** A two-minute timer will begin. If the can is not successfully hacked within that time, the site will despawn. By taking the Spatial Rift, pilots can enter the first room of the site. ---- =====Ransacked Storage Site===== ====On activating the Strange Rift:==== > This is a storage site by the looks of it, possibly of Sleeper origin judging by the structures around. It is heavily damaged, as if someone - or something - was frantically and forcefully searching through the site, and quite recently at that. Dangerous gases and volatile materials are all around, so care is required in navigating this hazardous place. If desired, pilots can cargo scan the containers to evaluate the value of the site. Regardless of the its relative value, inexperienced pilots should run the site to gain further experience.\\ **Drop the mobile depot to begin its activation timer.**\\ The first target is the container inside the wreck field. There are two approaches to dealing with it: The can difficulty does vary slightly each time, because of the way that the random hacking minigame is generated. For comparison: high-sec rookie practice cans (in the Rookie Systems) are 1/10. Regular high sec cans are 3 or 4/10. Low-sec, null-sec, and wormhole space cans are 5 to 8/10, depending on the value of the can, in most cases. Sleeper Cache cans will generally be 6 to 7/10 in difficulty. ---- ====Method 1: Remote Pressure Control Unit==== - Refit for the primary site fit shown up above. On a Magnate, a MWD will fit if the plate is downgraded to a 200mm variant. - Hack the Remote Pressure Control Unit: ***CAN DIFFICULTY: 7/10 DATA** [RED HACK] ***SUCCESS:** The area of effect damage cloud surrounding the wreck is turned off for two to three minutes. ***FAILURE:** No specific site penalty, a small amount of damage is absorbed by your ship -- in the test case, 96 damage against a Heron with a MSE, Limited Multispectrum Shield Hardener and Anti-EM/Anti-Thermal rigs. It's not severe enough to warrant any particular concern. - Immediately apply Keep at Range (2250m) on the Storage Depot inside the wreck cloud, then turn on the Microwarpdrive. Turn it off when you get close enough to it. Lock on if not done so already, and immediately begin hacking it with the Relic Analyzer. - Watch messages in local: if not successful by the 30 second mark, just align back to the Remote Pressure Control Unit (or straight up/straight down) and burn the Microwarpdrive. Otherwise, loot it and burn out with the Microwarpdrive to a safe direction away, probably best towards the Mobile Depot, which should be near the site warpin beacon. - The Area of Effect damage cloud near the wreck does roughly 100 DPS to a standard unmodified resistance profile of a Tech I vessel. Its approximate dimensions, measured from the Storage Depot within, is about 12km in radius. There is enough time for 2 "standard paced" hacks, 1 "slow" hack, or 3 really fast hack attempts, depending on both the skill of the hacker and luck. Normally, this container is a red hack, which means all the usual Virus Suppressors and Restoration Nodes. The problem with this approach is both the limited timeframe and the incoming damage after the timer is up, especially if the ship is insufficiently tanked. ---- ====Method 2: Tanking the Damage Cloud==== The second approach is to fit specifically for surviving the area of affect damage cloud. All toxic gas clouds - both the prespawned ones and the ones that are generated upon detonation of an Unstable Plasma Chamber - deal similar amounts of omni damage per second. The advantage of this approach is that the container can be hacked with no time limit, with little risk to the ship before the hack is completed, though this method does require excellent capacitor skills and proper tank skills. Heron sustaining the DPS comfortably The ship used must be able to rep more than 60 EHP/sec and capacitor stability is a must. The Relic Analyzer does not count in the capacitor stability checks: keep it off in the fitting tool while checking for capacitor stability. - Refit to the appropriate cap-stable local repair module fit. - Approach the Storage Depot inside the wreck field. For shield tank, activate it when you are 15km from the container; for armor, activate it as soon as all the shields are gone. - Hack the Storage Depot, loot it and go back to the Mobile Depot. ====Plasma Chambers==== Refit back to the main site running fit. Zoom out for a better view of the site, and look for an easy route to access the Remote Defense Grid Unit. On the way, there are AoE damage clouds (similar DPS to the wreck field) and Unstable Plasma Chambers.\\ The slower a ship moves, the closer it can pass the Plasma Chambers without causing them to detonate. Thus, indiscriminate use of a Microwarpdrive during this section can be very dangerous. While the activation distance does vary, it is usually between 7-10km, depending on how fast you're going. While blitzing around the top or underside of the site is fine, well away from the hazards, moving slowly (~200 m/sec) while navigating the damage clouds is highly advised. The tactical overlay is very useful for monitoring range while moving.\\ It is possible to power through the damage clouds if they get tripped accidentally. With a Microwarpdrive active, one will only eat about 700 HP after resists...assuming the ship is immediately powered out of the damage field.\\ More information about the plasma chambers: * Moving slowly, such as 100m/sec, pilots are able to approach very closely, nearly touching them. * Higher speeds, such as 330m/s, the chambers can rupture from a distance of about 7km. * Slow-boating out with a propulsion module, assuming decent 60%-ish resistances, means the ship will sustain about 1200 damage. * The area of effect damage measured from the approximate middle of the debris is 9km. * Flying right through the cloud with a MWD on means the player will only sustain about 350 HP damage (after resists). These figures are a generalization to illustrate of the damage potential of the Plasma Chambers. A fit that can repair indefinitely, such as the ones shown earlier, should have little trouble inside the AoE clouds. ---- =====Forcefield Generator===== To the far left of the site, there is one Storage Depot with an Active Forcefield Generator next to it. When a ship approaches within 10km of the Storage Depot, the Generator will spawn an EM Forcefield, which has a radius of about 14km. The other Storage Depots around the site do not have this feature and can be hacked with the Relic Analyzer at any time without any specific concerns. For this reason, if the Storage Depot lacks valuable loot, it may be more convenient to simply skip hacking the Remote Defense Grid Unit, and instead just hack the other worthy containers.\\ There are two approaches to dealing with the Forcefield: ---- ====Method 1: Prevent Activation==== To prevent the Active Forcefield Generator from spawning the EM Forcefield, navigate the ship around the AoE damage clouds and plasma chambers, then hack the the Remote Defense Grid Unit (RDGU): * **CAN DIFFICULTY: 8/10 DATA** [RED HACK] * **SUCCESS:** The defensive forcefield generator is disabled near the far left of the site. * **FAILURE:** There are two possibilities: - Nothing happens. In this case, the can be hacked repeatedly, but be prepared for (2) on subsequent failures. - The container explodes. A Heron with an EM Shield Reinforcer, Thermal Shield Reinforcer, Medium Azeotropic Restrained Shield Extender, a Limited Multispectrum Shield Hardener and a Damage Control II ate 1225 damage (dropped shields to about 25%), while Keeping at Range (5000m) from the container. After this, the other containers will not have any forcefield generators spawn to inhibit hacking attempts. The container explodes about ten seconds after the hack attempt is failed. ---- ====Method 2: Destroy the Forcefield==== The Active Forcefield Generator spawns a Large EM Forcefield. Destroying the Forcefield is not particularly difficult, but it will require more DPS than the average exploration ship is able to produce. The Forcefield regenerates 150 hp/sec, so overcoming this will require either multiple pilots or a high-damage frigate, such as an or well-fit attack frigate, such as a Taranis. Notably, an Astero is generally unable to produce the DPS necessary to destroy the Forcefield. Shoot the Large EM Forcefield, not the Generator, as the Generator cannot be damaged. The Generator will not spawn another Forcefield after the first is destroyed, so the container will be accessible once the Forcefield is destroyed.\\ ====Storage Depots==== Hack the rest of the Storage Depots as desired. Move around the damage clouds, and take things slowly for those unfamiliar with the site: ***CAN DIFFICULTY: 7/10 - 8/10** [YELLOW TO RED HACKS] ***SUCCESS:** The loot inside the Storage Depot can be acquired. ***FAILURE:** No penalty. With all the good containers scooped up, return to the Mobile Depot, refit to the travel fit, pick up the Mobile Depot, and leave the site.