=====Angel Creo-Corp Mining ===== ---- ====Overview==== The Angel Creo-Corp Mining is a Cosmic Signature of the DED Complex (rated 2/10) type, occupied by the Angel Cartel pirate faction. It can be found via exploration by probing in Highsec systems.\\ The site consists of a volume of space with an acceleration gate and contains various structures and their defending pirates. Using the gate allows access to other areas within the site. When attacked, the defenders may send multiple waves of reinforcements. Each group's appearance is triggered by the destruction of members of the previous group. \\ The names and amount of ships listed may vary slightly, but will always be of Cruiser class or smaller.\\ **Ship Restrictions:** This site's acceleration gate allows only Destroyer class ships or lower and their Tech 2 equivalents to enter the site. ---- =====Site===== ====Warping To The Beacon==== > ---- ====Room 1===== > ^Amount^Name^Ship Type^Disruptor^EWar^ | 3 | Angel Sentry Gun | Sentry | - | - | | 3 | Gistii Hijacker | Frigate | - | - | | 9 | Gistii Outlaw | Frigate | - | - | | 1 | Gistii Rogue | Frigate | - | - | | 3 | Gistii Ruffian | Frigate | - | Target Painter | | 9 | Gistii Thug| Frigate | - | - | ^Structures^ | Acceleration Gate | | Deadspace Synchronization HQ | **Deadspace Synchronization HQ contains key to Acceleration Gate ** ---- ====Room 2==== > ^Amount^Name^Ship Type^Disruptor^EWar^ | 3 | Angel Sentry Gun | Sentry | - | - | | 6 | Gistii Hijacker | Frigate | - | - | | 1 | Gistii Nomad | Frigate | - | - | | 5 | Gistii Outlaw | Frigate | - | - | | 4 | Gistii Rogue | Frigate | - | - | | 3 | Gistii Ruffian | Frigate | - | Target Painter | | 7 | Gistii Thug | - | - | - | | 1 | Gistum Depredator | Cruiser | - | - | ^Structures^ | Acceleration Gate | | CreoCorp Main Factory | **CreoCorp Main Factory contains key to Acceleration Gate** ---- ====Room 3==== > ^Amount^Name^Ship Type^Disruptor^EWar^ | 6 | Angel Sentry Gun | Sentry | - | - | | 11 | Gistii Hijacker| Frigate | - | - | | 1 | Gistii Nomad | Firgate | - | - | | 2 | Gistii Outlaw | Frigate | - | - | | 3 | Gistii Rogue | Frigate | - | - | | 6 | Gistii Ruffian | Frigate | - | Target Painter | | 5 | Gistii Thug | Frigate | - | - | | 1 | Gistum Depredator | Cruiser | - | - | ^Structures^ |Deadspace Control Station| ====Loot==== ^Type^Location^ | 3rd Tier Overseer's Personal Effects | | | 4th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects | Gistum Depredator | | 5th Tier Overseer's Personal Effects | Gistum Depredator | | Gistii B-type Modules | Deadspace Control Station | | Dramiel Blueprint | Deadspace Control Station |