====== State Of The Alliance 2013-07-29 ====== ~~BoodaBooda is speaking.~~ Alright guys, so first off I guess I'll start with "I hope you guys had fun today in 6VDT". Its not very often you get to see, you know, 4000 people getting into fleets. Which, you know, kinda never happened before. So thank you guys for all coming out and partying with us and, you know, getting one of those fights where they write about it on non-Eve websites. It's always great watching stupid people trying to talk about spaceships. "Oh, we lost 10000 dollars!" Noone gives a shit. So! Today obviously we fought in 6VDT. Like I was saying last night in my update post, we weren't really fighting to save the station, we didn't really fight to win, you know, the ISK war. And we sure didn't fight to turn the Fountain War around cause ... damn. Really we fought today cause we wanted to show the rest of Eve that we still play a little bit different than you are supposed to. I mean all else equal, we've shown today that we can still field almost as many pilots as anyone in the game. I mean coalition or not, we don't have a coalition, we still managed to do it. It's kinda crazy. Instead of what most alliances would do, you know, stand down, run home and cry like little babies about blobs. No, we went into system and we fought and we had a good time, I hope. One of the many reasons we fought was that basically we wanted to show that all of us in TEST will stand together even in the face of literally guaranteed death. And I wanted to give Fountain a great sendoff, I wanted to give a amazing sendoff to Fountain. Cause we fought for this place, you know, 2 years ago we fought to take it and for the last 2 months or so we've been fighting to hold it. And it definitely deserved some kind of celebration, a gigantic fleet fight for it and we gave it the biggest ever seen. So I say, job well done. So for the last, I dunno, month and a half we've been fighting a war. We've learned a ton of stuff. We've definitely seen what we can do at our best and we've spent a whole lot of time looking at what we need to do differently to properly support our, you know, FCs, leadership and membership. So! For the last 2 weeks I guess, we've been kinda losing a offensive war, which has been pretty obvious to everybody. This started happening around the time that our allies went to do something else for a little while and combined with, you know, failures on a leadership level that I have been talking about for a while, it really hurt us bad than we were kinda able to recover for a while. And as you probably all saw, goons pretty much went through Fountain unopposed for about 2 weeks or so. Not a big deal. So first of all, I want to let you know that this is definitely not anyones fault in here. Its not memberships fault, its not my fault if I am allowed to say that. We didn't lose the fight because of our FCs or our mil dir, or logi or recon or even our schoolyard CEOs. We ultimately lost Fountain because a war like this is an absolutely huge team effort and our team clearly needs a lot of work before we can handle a alliance like this properly. So yes, we are pulling out of Fountain. We're going to, you know, do some nonsense at the timers and we're still gonna send fleets up there to shoot at goons. *BoodaBooda accidently mutes his mic for a few seconds* Obviously we're gonna call Fountain done. We're clearly unable to defend it properly, right now we have a lot of work to do before we can take up that, that amount of effort and that amount of, you know, force we need to scrape together to fight these goons. So we're gonna undeploy and back to NOL and Delve. A primary reason for this is it is a little more defensible than Fountain, which is cool. Kinda helps. But second of all, we need time. We need a little bit of time to do the work that I should have done 3 months ago when I took over. Or how we should have done as an alliance 3 years ago when we were first created. We have a whole lot of work to do cleaning up leadership structures and all kinda of things so we can properly support a group this size who wants to fight. Obviously, a hell of a lot of you guys want to fight. So we need to straighten our asses out so we can actually do it. I expect the CFC to put some kind of pressure on Delve, I dunno if they're gonna send their full force down here because it is a little bit more difficult for them to do so. But at the very least we'll probably see prodding like sov, a little bit of warfare like we did before we moved to Fountain, you know they SBU'd NOL and we didn't really do anything about it so they came down and attacked. We're gonna have to fight those off, we're gonna have to do the best we can to hold on to Delve, which I am confident we can do easily and our allies seem more interested in defending Delve than they did Fountain. So hopefully we'll see more of them in the next coming weeks. Uh, this will definitely give us a chance with what I expect to be goons attacking Delve and with goons trying to clean up Fountain. It will give us a great opportunity to test whatever changes we make in our leadership structure. Things like that. But for now we're definitely going to pull back to Delve and try to clean up a little bit. So specifically because people are probably gonna ask, our leadership restructures. We're gonna do something that TEST never really seen before. We're gonna try to do something that other alliances prioritize a little bit better than we do. And that is, trying to bring FCs in a little bit more into the, I guess, fold of day to day leadership stuff and give them a little bit more support and help them a little bit more with coordination than telling them to talk to 3 or 4 people that can help them. Really, thats all thats kinda set in stone right now. We're still deciding what to do and what we plan to do so more details are coming later but I can tell your right now that short bus and schoolyard will also be reformed. I have already told both groups what we are gonna do with them and I'm gonna give them names that aren't turbogay. So in conclusion, I hope that you guys don't feel like I've thrown away your effort or your donations to the alliance or your, you know, your time you spent working with us and fighting with us for the last 2 months., 2 years, 3 years. Ultimately the way I see it; we own stuff, we own sov and stations for the purpose of fighting for it, fighting with it and giving us something to shoot people about. And I really thought it was best to spend our cash on, you know, the biggest, bloodiest most disgusting fight the Eve community has ever really seen. Or I guess video game community in general has ever seen. So I'll take questions for a few minutes and if you will, friends, follow me back to Delve and lets try to make TEST the alliance we all deserve. ===== Relevant Links ===== [[https://soundcloud.com/phyber_0ptik/test-alliance-after-6vdt-sota|Soundcloud recording of the SOTA]] [[culture:history:battles:6vdt|Wiki entry on the Battle of 6VDT, the battle TEST fought the night before this SOTA]] [[https://forum.pleaseignore.com/topic/47422-6vdt-fountain-and-the-ghost-of-delves-yet-to-come/|"6VDT, Fountain, and the Ghost of Delves-Yet-to-Come" BoodaBoodas SOTA post directly after the battle, prior to this spoken SOTA.]]