==== Rim Collection RC ==== Some 2 years ago there was small gallean village in scalding pass called Kraftwerk. So after all the bees around us smelled honey elsewhere and the Russians had no vodka left, the small village was surrounded by roman legions who looked like cows. We figured that someone drank all the potion and gtfo, so we called in batman to get rid of the growing roman plague on our fields and woods. Romans started to fart and shitting on the fields, we were sure about the victory over dung and farts, as suddenly our village started to burn. Obviously there was still one potion left and someone accidentally kicked it to the ground. Potion reacted with roman fart and exploded. Well so Kraftwerk was done in flames and RIM decided to go to the promised land down in the south and join some other gallean village called ZAF. ZAF was living right next to Bees and more Russians. The Russians had no vodka again and were pissed off living in some corner of some thug called evil. The Bees had after some time constructed a huge new home, a real architecture master piece. Except one flaw: It was highly unstable. So there was a drunken bee called kartoon, who accidentally flew into some pillars of the master piece. It all began to shake. Then the whole thing collapsed in on it self and crashed onto our village. The village was done but the ZAF people decided to do some ice fishing in the north. Gallean people aren't used to the cold, so one after the next migrated to the native Eskimos. Some people still didn't like the cold, so decision to go back to the south was made. So at the moment were living in some youth hotel sponsored by some angels. To provide us with entertainment were throwing old empty potion bottles at the local kittens.