====Cold Steel Alliance==== {{:culture:history:coldsteelalliance.png?direct&300 |}} ----- ===About=== Founded in 2007-01-01. Cold Steel Alliance were a EUTZ alliance, primarily German speaking, that enjoyed a over a decade long run in New Eden. They never rose to any real prominence but were members of both [[culture:history:southern_coalition|]] and a guest member of [[culture:history:northern_coalition|]]. They also lived in [[eve:region:providence|Providence]] as members of [[culture:history:provibloc|Provibloc]] and then as pets of The Volition Cult, a ex-Provi alliance that struck out on their own and were a member of [[culture:stainwagon|Stainwagon]]. They both held space in [[eve:region:catch|Catch]]. Cold Steel Alliance were evicted from Catch by TEST and allies in [[culture:the_winter_war|The Winter War]] of 2017. They later installed themselves as goon pets in [[eve:region:querious|Querious]] as part of the fight club that goons were setting up there. That is also were they later died out. Cold Steel Alliance officially closed its doors at 2018-09-20. ===Relevant Links=== *[[https://web.archive.org/web/20190128065435/https://nosygamer.blogspot.com/2017/01/the-winter-war-down-to-cold-steel.html|"The Winter War: Down To Cold Steel", The Nosy Gamer]] *[[https://web.archive.org/web/20190128065409/https://www.eveonline.com/article/cold-steel-alliance-completes-outpost-goals-in-providence|"Cold STEEL Alliance Completes Outpost Goals in Providence", Eveonline.com, by Svarthol]] *[[http://evemaps.dotlan.net/alliance/670303846/corporations|Dotlan]]